Saturday, 14 March 2015


By Coral Consciouslee
14th March 2015

I first met Gatecrash Sounds last year at Danroj Wright's event, where Aysha Loren had her album launch. He was very courteous and polite and informed me that he would be holding an event called Legends of Legends on Saturday March 14th 2015.

Gatecrash not only followed through on that date, he made sure that it was of such a high standard, it would be used as a measurement and example of what can be IF we are prepared to plan, work together and follow through to the end.

The hospitality and the treatment of the artists was excellent! From picking us up at the station to taking us back to the station. We wanted for nothing, For me I had some surreal moments. Talking to Dennis Bovell whilst he waited for soundcheck, watching all the artists catching up with each other. Meeting Barry Boom for the first time, sharing philosophical conversation with Don Campbell and Arema. Watching artist after artist perform and seeing the talent that is here in the UK being cheered by one of the largest crowd I have seen in the last year. The event was thoroughly enjoyable, in organisation, presentation both backstage and on the stage. I am going to tell my mother (one of the best Jamaican cooks I know) about the food I ate.

My only regret is that it only happens once a year. However on reflection the magnitude of the event and what it takes to produce, makes it a justifable decision. Gatecrash I commend you for thinking of and supporting the UK reggae artists, for setting a standard and example and for striving to ensure that people will know that there are major reggae events still happening in the UK. For once, it was about the artists - someone remembered that all this would not happen without them. I salute you and those who helped you. Till next year..... God bless you all xxx