Saturday, 18 June 2016


By Coral Consciouslee
18th June 2016

One of the main reasons I was looking forward to Gary Digitec’s “Men With Voices” showcase was because this was yet another example of someone taking the initiative to promote the artist, instead of waiting for things to happen.

There were some on the bill that I had never had the pleasure of hearing before (Sparky Rugged, Junior Chin, Grantie Asher) which for me made it even more interesting.  When it comes to Hootananny, it is mainly outside of the building that one meets others in the industry, before the show starts; most of the time it is those we haven’t seen a while and then have the opportunity to have a good old catch-up.  Suffice to say it is definitely a networking opportunity!

Warming up beforehand in his own unique style was Darren Stylee Truecolour Sound, a DJ who is definitely contributing to and supporting UK Reggae.

The show started fairly on time, with a good size crowd already gathered, following a call to order by DJ Mikey Notch formerly of RJR Radio, who would be the compere for the evening: his style suited the show and lent a professional touch to the proceedings. Supporting the artists would be the Digitec All Star Band, featuring some of the best musicians in the business. Together they provided a tight set, showing that practice had indeed taken place.  Also supporting were backing singers Michelle Creese and Tahamene Park.
The show was opened by gospel artist Joshua Kesler.  Here is a secret: Joshua and I used to sing together in the choir back in the day! It was good to see that he was still singing and sharing his talent. He was followed by Sparky Rugged who caused a storm by dancing with a voluptuous woman to his own rendition of “Hey Fatty Boom Boom” we were definitely entertained!. 

Previously I had heard a “snippet” of Claude Darroux at Allison Mason’s Shining Stars Showcase, so it was a pleasure to hear what this gentleman had to offer.  I was not disappointed – he can definitely hold his own as a soloist.  We were treated to another romantic reggae singer in the shape of Junior Chin; it was interesting to see the different vocal ranges of each artist.  Another singer I had not heard before was Grantie Asher reminding us of those romantic dances and falling in love.  His expressions when he is singing kept the listener engaged all the way.

Kareem Shabazz, surprised us with an eclectic reggae style rendition of songs which definitely showed how versatile an artist he is; props to the guitar player. When it comes to showmanship they don’t come any better than JayJayBorn2Sing! Like his appearance his voice always has an impact.   

Closing the show was reggae veteran Mike Antony, a small man with a big voice who is still showing how it is done.  The show lasted a hour and a half and I thoroughly enjoyed it.  Judging by the response of those who attended they felt the same.  It pleases me to say this was a very well executed show and showed that there are some very strong male vocalists right here in the UK.

Gary Digitec told me that there are more shows coming soon – if this show is anything to go by I would recommend them.  Well done to Gary Digitec, all the artists, Mikey Notch, Darren Stylee Truecoloursound, the Digitec All Star Band, Cecil Reuben, the backing singers, indeed all who contributed to what turned out to be a very successful evening. 

Long may it continue.

**Artist photos courtesy of Courtney Anglin