Wednesday, 28 March 2018


by Coral Consciouslee
28th March 2018

Britain's Got Reggae is in its third year!

March 29th to 27th July 2018 will see the heats for Britain’s Got Reggae – 3rd Edition!
Spearheaded and organised by one of the hardest working individuals in the music business, Cyrlene Braithwaite, we have seen BGR grow phenomenally from its conception to present day.

Cyrlene Braithwaite

The winner will receive a magnificent prize indeed:

Performing at The One Love Festival!
Recording Project with Stingray Records!
Performing at Rototom Sunsplash Spain!
One year’s support in booking and promotions by the BGR team!

Heat 1 will begin at The Hootananny, Brixton tomorrow, 29th March 2018 – the anticipation is building, come and support!!


Friday, 16 March 2018


By Coral Consciouslee
16th March 2018

Saturday 10th March 2018, I was privileged to attend the 12th year of the Annual UK Legends of Legends hosted my Gatecrash Promotions.

This was my third time, so I was familiar with what the evening would entail. Even though I attended this time as a representative of Reggae Fraternity UK, I asked myself the question: Why do the same people support and attend this event each year? Indeed, Dennis Bovell stated the next morning, that it doesn’t matter where he is in the world, he will make it his duty to be a participant in Legends of Legends.

12 Years and STILL going strong!
 I wondered what was the appeal? Having been unable to make it last year, I was curious to see how the event would be perceived at Parklands Banqueting Suite, instead of The Drum as in previous years.  As someone who has been involved in a lot of events over the years, I love when an event is organised and details attended to.  Therefore, it was a pleasure to see that the event started on time with a full house no less! Sharon “Shazzy” Bhola-Harris and Trevor “Rankin Gatecrash” McIntosh took their place as comperes on the stage and the show was underway.  Artist after artist came on and sang the familiar songs that we knew so well, but we danced and cheered as if hearing the song for the first time.

The dynamic duo 
Organised, attentive and smiling!
Where hospitality was concerned, nothing was omitted or overlooked.  I was allowed backstage and had the opportunity to mingle with the artists and catch up on musical news.  As per usual, refreshments were on hand for the artists who had their own special room. That’s when I finally realised what the appeal was.  This wasn’t just an event, this was a community, a family coming together in appreciation of the artists who performed and also showing their love and support for the hosts.  I use the word ‘family’ deliberately because families form a strong bond that is cultivated over years of interaction and love.  The crowd roared with laughter at Shazzy’s antics and became emotional when Gatecrash was surprised on stage by an appearance from his sister from Canada. Those who had recent birthdays were asked to come on stage and were given acknowledgement and a present.  Likewise mothers were highlighted and applauded, in recognition of Mother's Day.

It’s those little attentions to detail that I suspect is the key to the success of Legends of Legends.

Whistles blew and cheers went on for hours! Even backstage we danced and congratulated artists as they came off the stage.  In addition to London, people attended from all major cities in the UK.  I am not writing this in amazement, I am writing this because it is the norm. In the current economic climate Legends of Legends have managed to attract a full house every year, early-bird tickets being sold out almost as soon as they are issued.  Shazzy and Trevor have developed a tried and tested marketing technique that has stood the test of time like a well-oiled machine.  We applaud them and many would do well to follow their example of diligence, determination, consistency and organisation.

Another fantastic show!!
It is because of this dedication that UK Reggae will continue to be heard and treasured for years to come.  Roll on year 13!!

Pictures provided courtesy of Jackie Higgins - with thanks!